Blogging in the Universe

A Place to Collect Thoughts, Ideas, and Visions

Stories – So many to tell

I need to do a better job of keeping track of stories. The way my mind works is to know the entire story before writing it down. I have the beginnings of many stories – I just can’t carry them through to the end.

Perhaps I need to start at the end of the story and work backwards. That would be something new for me. I have many endings of stories – they just don’t match up with the beginnings of stories.

I want to write a story about my favorite necklace in the whole wide world. It was a gift from my husband while he was away in Vietnam. When my daughter was about 12  I let her wear it and it was lost. I’ve never been able to find another one like it. It was a tiny gold heart with a tiny key on a gold chain. The end of the story has me finding it but also finding out some tragic stuff along with it.

I want to write a story about the sadness of life – never finding true love. Hoping for it but watching it waste away. The ending of this story: she made a cup of her favorite tea and placed it next to her Fitz and Floyd Santa china dinner plate setting, candles lit, sitting down to eat her veggie soup.

I want to write a story about living “asleep” and then waking up. A story about animals, kids, mysteries, political tensions, and my Lithuanian roots.

I want to write a story about the importance of having someone to love rather than the importance of having someone love you; how people disappoint; how people can cause a world of sorrow.

I need to pick one story and start to write it down.

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